Your Money Routine
Do you have a daily, weekly or quarterly money routine that you follow? Since we are talking about success routine this month, we want to discuss money routine. Whatever method you use, daily or weekly, it is important to do it consistently. You attract more of what you pay attention to!
Some of the things included in my daily money routine:
- Checking my business and personal accounts for income and expenses (using apps like Mint can help)
- Working with a wealth advisor that can help you organize and re-distribute your money
- Pay myself - making sure I save and pay myself monthly
- Have a money planner that includes my financial goals
What is your daily money routine? Share your comments below
We are launching our next multi-author, bestseller book series and we are dedicating it to women and money, if you have a learning experience involving money attitudes and lessons and would like to participate and share your story, email us: